Argyle Woodland Management
Andrew Woods Forestry
Companies we've worked with
We work directly with individual landowners, private estates, independent foresters, and the forestry commission.
Campden House Estate
Very much an ash dieback campaign. We started working here in 2019 when we acquired a successful parcel of timber that went out to tender. We have done 3 successive years of ash clearfells and thinning and have again been faced with challenges regarding topography and ground conditions. After our work in 2019 and the way, we prepared the site ready for replanting the owner was happy to remain using us as the preferred contractor. The one wood is 200 acres and nearly all ash. There is a lot of work to do here and it’s great to have built a good relationship with another local estate to give both the client reassurance to getting the work done to expectations but also we know there is potential work there for some time.
Elmley Castle Woodlands
We have worked at Elmley since 2015. Over the past 6 years, the work has been quite varied. When we first started here the operations we much more motor manual with a tractor, winch, and forwarding trailer. Some of the ground was very steep and difficult to work but taught us the correct way to plan a site and be methodical. As the business grew and we acquired more of the mechanical equipment the work was somewhat easier. In the last two years, we have been targeting ash dieback and have been on some extreme ground that has really tested the machinery and operators. Having the purpose-built machines up there for the last operation meant a lot of the ground could be driven and worked in a more efficient way. This means we achieved more in the allotted time frame which was important due to weather and shooting on the estate.